3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (2) - Matching Quizzes |
(असीम) being without boundaries or limits; infinite; vast | |
(साधारण) obvious and dull; commonplace; lacking originality | |
(विवाद) fight; noisy quarrel or fight; loud party | |
(bevy) completely happy and contented; showing or producing exalted joy |
(बमबारी) attack with missiles; continuous attack with shot and shell upon a town, fort, or other position | |
(मोक्ष) blessedness; state of extreme happiness | |
(वरदान) blessing; benefit bestowed, especially in response to a request | |
(चमकाना) make shiny by rubbing; polish |
(तमाशा) clowning; arts and practices of buffoon, as low jests, ridiculous pranks, vulgar tricks and postures | |
(धमकी) blow in heavy gusts; speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner | |
(befuddle) confuse thoroughly; becloud and confuse, as with liquor; make stupid with alcohol | |
(bacchanalian) drunken; relating to reveling and drunkenness |
(बमबारी) attack with missiles; continuous attack with shot and shell upon a town, fort, or other position | |
(धेर लेना) besiege or attack; harass; surround with troops | |
(सहारा लेना) signify; indicate; be a visible sign of; give evidence of | |
(ग्राम्य) rustic; pastoral; agricultural; relating to country affairs, or to shepherd's life and occupation |
(आशीर्वाद) blessing; invocation of divine blessing; expression of good wishes | |
(असीम) being without boundaries or limits; infinite; vast | |
(गंदा) indecent; obscene; humorously coarse | |
(भोज) feast; entertainment of eating and drinking |
(लाभकारी) helpful; tending to promote physical well-being | |
(balk) stop short and refuse to go on; refuse obstinately or abruptly | |
(bestial) beastlike; brutal; lacking in intelligence or reason | |
(कमान सी टांगोंवाला) have legs that curve outward at the knees |
(सहारा लेना) signify; indicate; be a visible sign of; give evidence of | |
(bevy) large group; a group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail | |
(हानिकारक) portending evil; harmful in intent or effect. | |
(पीटा) let down; restrain; lessen force or intensity of; moderate |
(bevy) large group; a group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail | |
(गोजातीय) dull, slow-moving, and stolid, like an ox; placid and dull | |
(beatific bilious) suffering from indigestion; appearing as if affected by disorder; sickly | |
(पुलकित) gay; joyous; carefree and lighthearted |
(पुलकित) gay; joyous; carefree and lighthearted | |
(बुलियन) gold and silver in the form of bars | |
(धमकी) blow in heavy gusts; speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner | |
(bacchanalian) drunken; relating to reveling and drunkenness |
(हानिकारक) portending evil; harmful in intent or effect. | |
(असीम) being without boundaries or limits; infinite; vast | |
(वरदान) blessing; benefit bestowed, especially in response to a request | |
(मोक्ष) blessedness; state of extreme happiness |