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(قبولا) extremely careful and diligent work or effort; taking of pains

Spelling Word: painstaking
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(الانقياد) offer illicit sex with third party; tempt with or appeal to improper motivations

Spelling Word: pander
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(نموذج) one that serves as a pattern or model; system of assumptions, concepts, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality

Spelling Word: paradigm
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(الأناناس) large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves

Spelling Word: pineapple
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(حزين) expressing sorrow ;mournful or melancholy; sad

Spelling Word: plaintive
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(يغرق) dive; submerge; become suddenly lower; decrease dramatically; throw oneself into a substance or place

Spelling Word: plunge
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(ثقيل المسام) gaze intently; stare; scrutinize; read or study carefully and attentively

Spelling Word: pore
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(السلائف) forerunner; one who precedes an event and indicates its approach

Spelling Word: precursor
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(ما قبل التاريخ) expecting a baby; carrying within the body or being about to produce new life

Spelling Word: pregnant
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(تدنيس) violate; put to improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse

Spelling Word: profane