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(सनसनाहट) shout of disapproval; shout or whistle expressing dislike, especially from crowd or audience

Spelling Word: catcall
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(मस्तिष्क का कार्य) act of cerebrating; thinking, mental activity

Spelling Word: cerebration
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(chaffing) joking; use of light, frivolous language by way of fun or ridicule

Spelling Word: chaffing
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(संकोची) cautious; sparing or restrained about giving

Spelling Word: chary
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(विनय) punish, as by beating; criticize severely; rebuke

Spelling Word: chastise
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(प्रतिबद्ध) do something that cannot be changed; cause to be admitted

Spelling Word: commit
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(सांप्रदायिक) held in common; of a group of people

Spelling Word: communal
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(प्रतिपूरक) serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying

Spelling Word: compensatory
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(संकलन) put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources

Spelling Word: compile
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(शालीनता) feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of upcoming trouble

Spelling Word: complacency