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(चाकू) knife; short pointed weapon with sharp edges

Spelling Word: dagger
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(पुराना) weakened, worn out, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use

Spelling Word: decrepit
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(रहस्यमय नहीं रखना) clarify; free from mystery or obscurity

Spelling Word: demystify
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(व्युत्पन्न) unoriginal; derived from another source

Spelling Word: derivative
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(तानाशाह) tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler; eastern Orthodox bishop

Spelling Word: despot
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(नमूदार) distinguishable; perceptible; capable of being seen or noticed

Spelling Word: discernible
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(विचारशील) free from ostentation or pretension; distinct; distinguishable

Spelling Word: discreet
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(बिखेरा) marked by disorder; untidy; having hair in loose disorder

Spelling Word: disheveled
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(विस्थापित) move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave a homeland

Spelling Word: displace
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(उपेक्षा) ignore; discount; take no notice of

Spelling Word: disregard