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(جامد الوجه) wooden; impersonal; deliberately impassive or expressionless, as face or look

Spelling Word: deadpan
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(مبتهج) friendly; of good appearance and manners; graceful

Spelling Word: debonair
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(defoliate) strip leaves or branches from; cause leaves of plant, tree, or forest to fall off, especially by use of chemicals

Spelling Word: defoliate
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(تشوه) change shape by stress; become misshapen; make formless

Spelling Word: deform
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(البائد) dead; no longer in use or existence

Spelling Word: defunct
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(غنى لحنا) discuss fully; talk at great length about something of one's interest

Spelling Word: descant
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(تيبس) dry up thoroughly; make dry, dull, or lifeless; preserve foods by removing the moisture

Spelling Word: desiccate
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(حساب) harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss

Spelling Word: detriment
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(ابتكار) form, plan, or arrange in the mind; transmit or give by will

Spelling Word: devise
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(تميز) set apart; distinguish; perceive or show difference in or between

Spelling Word: differentiate