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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[多數] greater number or part; a number more than half of the total | |
[誤傳,有意製造誤解] give a false or incorrect impression, often deliberately; serve unsatisfactorily as representative | |
[(繩索等的)結,(樹)節,木節,群,簇] fastening together of one or more threads, cords, ropes; lump or loop formed in the thread; ornamental tie | |
[擠進,塞入,夾住,陷入困境,果醬] crush or bruise; get stuck; press tightly together |
[相反的事物] two words that express opposing concepts; contrariwise; directly facing each other | |
[嫉妒的,妒忌的] resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious | |
[小路,小巷,航線,車道] passageway between fences which is not traveled as a highroad; narrow country road | |
[護照] legal document identifying the bearer as a citizen of a country and allowing to travel abroad |
[混合食物,流食,一份食物] soft semi-liquid food; a quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for one meal | |
[誤傳,有意製造誤解] give a false or incorrect impression, often deliberately; serve unsatisfactorily as representative | |
[大廈,公寓] dwelling-house of the better class; a large or stately residence | |
[獨處,隱私,秘密] quality of being secluded from view of others; condition of being hidden |
[怪物,巨獸] beast; ugly creature; someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful | |
[個性,性格] the complex of all the attributes of a person; the totality of qualities and traits of a person | |
[深思熟慮的,成熟,(票據,保險單等)到期] develop and reach maturity; grow old or older | |
[強大的,巨大的,有勢力的人] having or showing great strength or force or intensity |
[混合食物,流食,一份食物] soft semi-liquid food; a quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for one meal | |
[大廈,公寓] dwelling-house of the better class; a large or stately residence | |
[獨處,隱私,秘密] quality of being secluded from view of others; condition of being hidden | |
[欠,欠債,感恩,感激,歸功於] be in debt; be obliged to pay or repay |
[獨處,隱私,秘密] quality of being secluded from view of others; condition of being hidden | |
[小羊,羔羊,受騙上當者] the young of the sheep; simple, unsophisticated person | |
[項目] a whole individual unit; a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group | |
[怪物,巨獸] beast; ugly creature; someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful |
[拒絕,抵制] turn down; refuse to accept; dismiss from consideration | |
[醫生,內科醫生] a person skilled in physic, or the art of healing; one duty authorized to treat diseases; doctor of medicine | |
[很少地,罕有地] not often; in an unusual degree; exceptionally | |
[反對,抗議] act of expressing earnest opposition or protest |
[憶起,記憶] remember; call back; cause to be returned | |
[釋放] give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available | |
[拒絕,抵制] turn down; refuse to accept; dismiss from consideration | |
[義務,職責] act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie; written promise to repay a debt |
[欠,欠債,感恩,感激,歸功於] be in debt; be obliged to pay or repay | |
[連接物,鏈環,會合] be or become joined or united; connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces | |
[使命,任務,計劃或執行任務] an assignment that is given to a person or group; an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters; job or task | |
[擠進,塞入,夾住,陷入困境,果醬] crush or bruise; get stuck; press tightly together |
[日誌,圓木] record of a voyage or flight; a record of day to day activities | |
[欠,欠債,感恩,感激,歸功於] be in debt; be obliged to pay or repay | |
[褲子,短褲] trousers; underwear; garment extending from waist to knee or ankle | |
[項目] a whole individual unit; a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group |