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Group 5 - Matching Quizzes |
(克制,抑制) keep under control; hold back ; place limits on | |
(服從,提交) refer for judgment or consideration; hand in; present | |
(停止,結束) stop; bring to an end or halt | |
(精煉,精製) purify; make more precise; improve |
(球體) ball; globe; a particular aspect of life or activity | |
(方法,技術,技巧,技藝) practical method or art applied to some particular task; skillfulness | |
(情節,劇本大綱,(電影,歌劇)劇本) screenplay; outline or model of an expected sequence of events | |
(克制,抑制) keep under control; hold back ; place limits on |
(決定,會議的正式文件,投票產生的決議) determination; formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote | |
(路,路線,(經由某一路線)發送) way for travel or transportation | |
(服從,提交) refer for judgment or consideration; hand in; present | |
(範圍,界限) range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound |
(球體) ball; globe; a particular aspect of life or activity | |
(正當的,有效的) logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; well grounded | |
(經歷,遭受) experience; suffer; pass through | |
(增補,補充) add as something seems insufficient; complement; extension; addition |
(調查) poll; detailed critical inspection | |
(坦白的,誠實的,易懂的) proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating; honest; frank. | |
(統計數值,統計量) mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data | |
(世代因襲,慣例,傳統) thought or behavior followed from generation to generation; heritage |
(後繼者,繼起之物,繼承人,繼任者,接班人) one who or that which succeeds or follows; one who takes the place which another has left | |
(坦白的,誠實的,易懂的) proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating; honest; frank. | |
(反應,反抗,反對) act against or in opposition to; show a response or a reaction | |
(範圍,界限) range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound |
(方案) elaborate and systematic plan of action; chart or outline of a system or object | |
(停止,結束) stop; bring to an end or halt | |
(增補,補充) add as something seems insufficient; complement; extension; addition | |
(正當的,有效的) logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; well grounded |
(理論,學說,原理,公理) doctrine or scheme of things; general or abstract principles of any science | |
(統計數值,統計量) mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data | |
(決定,會議的正式文件,投票產生的決議) determination; formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote | |
(調查) poll; detailed critical inspection |
(情節,劇本大綱,(電影,歌劇)劇本) screenplay; outline or model of an expected sequence of events | |
(看得見的,可見的) being often in public eye; obvious to the eye | |
(看到的,形象化的,視力的) seen or able to be seen by the eye; visible; optical | |
(任務,工作,艱苦的事情) labor or study imposed by another; undertake; labor |
(拿走,撤走,除去) move away from the position occupied; cause to change place; take away | |
(理論,學說,原理,公理) doctrine or scheme of things; general or abstract principles of any science | |
(工業技術,工藝學) application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives | |
(決定,會議的正式文件,投票產生的決議) determination; formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote |