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/ɪ'vɒlv/ v. Syn. develop; grow
(進化,發展) develop; grow

Spelling Word: evolve
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/ɪk'spænd/ v. Syn. dilate; extend
(擴大,膨脹,擴張) become larger in size or volume; grow stronger; add details

Spelling Word: expand
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/ɪk'strækt/ v. Syn. derive; remove; squeeze
(拔出,榨取) draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; remove; get despite difficulties or obstacles

Spelling Word: extract
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/'flʌktjʊeɪt/ v. Syn. waver; shift
(波動的,起伏的,搖擺不定的) rise and fall in or as if in waves; shift; vary irregularly

Spelling Word: fluctuate
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/faʊn'deɪʃ(ə)n/ n.
(建立,創辦,建築物,基金會,基金) basis on which something is grounded

Spelling Word: foundation
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/fʌnd/ n. Syn. money; capital
(資金,基金) money; capital; a reserve of money set aside for some purpose; finance; subsidize

Spelling Word: fund
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/fɜrðə'mɔ:(r)/ ad.
(而且,此外) in addition; moreover; still further

Spelling Word: furthermore
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/'dʒɛndə(r)/ n.
(性,性別) sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture; category

Spelling Word: gender
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/greɪd/ n. Syn. rank
(等級,級別,年級,成績) step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order; relative position or standing

Spelling Word: grade
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/'ɪləstreɪt/ v. Syn. represent; demonstrate; depict
((用圖或例子)說明,闡明) represent; demonstrate; depict; clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons

Spelling Word: illustrate