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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 2 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[一般性] quality of being general; an idea having general application | |
[昏聩,溺爱] be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline | |
[派生的] unoriginal; derived from another source | |
[忧郁的,沮丧的] in low spirits from loss of hope or courage |
[冲突的,不和谐的] conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
[接受,支持] take in marriage; marry; give one's loyalty or support to; adopt | |
[单调的] lacking variety or excitement; monotonous |
[委屈,冤情,不平] cause of grief or distress; discomfort or pain | |
[华丽的] elaborately or excessively ornamented | |
[遗弃的,废弃的] left and abandoned; negligent in performing a duty | |
[昏聩,溺爱] be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline |
[过分高兴的,兴高采烈] overjoyed; extremely happy and excited | |
[少数意见,异端] opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion | |
[咒骂,批评] condemn openly; criticize; make known in a formal manner | |
[派生的] unoriginal; derived from another source |
[制造,编造(谎言)] build; put together out of components or parts | |
[冲突的,不和谐的] conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
[骑师] one who rides a horse or performs on horseback | |
[错误] containing or derived from error; mistaken |
[安乐死] the practice of ending the life of hopelessly ill individuals; assisted suicide | |
[奉承] attempting to win favor by flattering; flattering | |
[接受,支持] take in marriage; marry; give one's loyalty or support to; adopt | |
[错误] containing or derived from error; mistaken |
[享用,成就,实现] bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization | |
[支出,花费] payment or expense; output | |
[少数意见,异端] opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion | |
[派生的] unoriginal; derived from another source |
[易被开涮的人] easily deceived person; duplicate of a photographic image | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
[赎罪] make amends or pay the penalty for; relieve or cleanse of guilt | |
[公允的] not interested; indifferent; free of self-interest; impartial |
[散开,分裂,消失] scatter; drive away; cause to vanish | |
[制造,编造(谎言)] build; put together out of components or parts | |
[树叶] masses of leaves; a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches | |
[号角声] a loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets; spectacular public display |
[号角声] a loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets; spectacular public display | |
[支出,花费] payment or expense; output | |
[骑师] one who rides a horse or performs on horseback | |
[华丽的] elaborately or excessively ornamented |