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Group (3) - Matching Quizzes |
(театральное) characteristic of acting or stage performance | |
(порывистый) intermittently stopping and starting; irregular; variable; unstable | |
(мазохист) one who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment | |
(Легион) a body of foot soldiers; military force; military bands; a great number |
(яркий) elaborately or excessively ornamented | |
(позорный) notoriously bad; having exceedingly bad reputation | |
(нелепо) not fitting; lacking in harmony or compatibility | |
(узловатые) tied in knots; covered with knots or knobs; difficult to understand or solve |
(равнодушный) having no particular interest or concern; being neither good nor bad | |
(летаргический) drowsy; dull; indifferent or apathetic | |
(освещения) provide or brighten with light; clear up or make understandable; enlighten | |
(речь) noisy speech; speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression |
(томный) lacking energy or vitality; weak; sluggish; lacking spirit or liveliness | |
(экспромт) without previous preparation | |
(беспристрастным) not biased; fair; showing lack of favoritism | |
(непогрешимым) incapable of failure or error |
(великодушным) generous; high-minded; chivalrous | |
(случайного) not intentional; not on purpose; careless; negligent; inattentive | |
(неизменные) unable to be changed without exception; not mutable | |
(летаргический) drowsy; dull; indifferent or apathetic |
(высокомерие) pride; arrogance; highness or loftiness | |
(смешно) laughable; completely devoid of wisdom or good sense | |
(несущественным) insignificant; lacking importance; not following from premises or evidence; illogical | |
(неумелых) lacking of judgment, sense, or reason; unsuited; inappropriate; foolish |
(томный) lacking energy or vitality; weak; sluggish; lacking spirit or liveliness | |
(невыразимой) unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech | |
(коренных) native; originating where it is found | |
(случайного) not intentional; not on purpose; careless; negligent; inattentive |
(отточить) sharpen; perfect or make more intense or effective | |
(невыразимой) unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech | |
(магната) powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry | |
(неумелых) lacking of judgment, sense, or reason; unsuited; inappropriate; foolish |
(смешно) laughable; completely devoid of wisdom or good sense | |
(инерции) property of matter by which it tends when at rest to remain so, and when in motion to continue in motion, and in the same straight line or direction | |
(беспристрастным) not biased; fair; showing lack of favoritism | |
(позорный) notoriously bad; having exceedingly bad reputation |
(узловатые) tied in knots; covered with knots or knobs; difficult to understand or solve | |
(зарождающегося) beginning to exist or appear; in an early stage | |
(магната) powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry | |
(высокомерие) pride; arrogance; highness or loftiness |