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(حديقة الحيوانات) collection of live wild animals on exhibition; enclosure in which wild animals are kept

Spelling Word: menagerie
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(الضارة) harmful to living things; injurious to health

Spelling Word: noxious
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(غافل) inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful

Spelling Word: oblivious
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(كلي العلم) having total knowledge; knowing everything

Spelling Word: omniscient
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(تصلب) change or form into bone; become set in a rigidly conventional pattern; change from soft tissue to hard bony tissue

Spelling Word: ossify
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(شاحب) abnormally pale; lacking intensity of color or luminousness

Spelling Word: pallid
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(نموذج) one that serves as a pattern or model; system of assumptions, concepts, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality

Spelling Word: paradigm
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(طفيل) animal or plant living on another

Spelling Word: parasite
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(عاضد) act as a patron to; support or sponsor

Spelling Word: patronize
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(هادئ) peaceful; tranquil; calm or quiet

Spelling Word: placid