3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (4) - Matching Quizzes |
(绝望的,不顾一切的,拼死的) having lost all hope; dangerous; extremely intense | |
(演讲,谈话) formal, lengthy discussion of a subject; verbal exchange; conversation | |
(未决定的,有争执的) disputable; unsettled; open to doubt or debate | |
(结局,结果) outcome; final resolution or clarification of dramatic or narrative plot |
(移置,转移,取代,替代) move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave a homeland | |
(平静的,公平的) calm; impartial; unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice | |
(放纵,挥霍) lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices | |
(脱水) remove water from; dry out; lose water or bodily fluids |
(肮脏的,衣衫不整) lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby; old-fashioned | |
(丑化) mar or spoil appearance or surface; impair usefulness, value, or influence of | |
(盅惑) deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
(使焦虑,使难受) make uneasy or anxious; trouble |
(游手好闲,混日子) proceed slowly; waste time | |
(大洪水) great flood; heavy downpour; any overflowing of water | |
(居民,常客) inhabitant or resident; regular visitor | |
(威慑,吓住) keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting |
(指示,根据名字区别) meaning or indication; distinguishing by name; something, such as a sign or symbol, that denotes | |
(伤害,危害) harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
(描述) represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
(柔软的,有韧性) easily influenced; flexible; pliable |
(脱) take off; remove; tip or remove one's hat in salutation; put aside; discard | |
(分配,分发,散布) hand out; disseminate; allocate | |
(堕落,放荡) corrupt; seduce from virtue | |
(结局,结果) outcome; final resolution or clarification of dramatic or narrative plot |
(有意于,安排,摆脱,断绝,处置) get rid of; settle or decide a matter; place or set in a particular order; arrange | |
(威慑,吓住) keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
(描述) represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
(缺点,逃跑,叛逃) withdrawing support or help; act of abandoning something to which one is bound by allegiance or duty; failure in duty |
(残破的,倒塌的,破旧的) in disrepair, run down; of very poor quality or condition | |
(落叶的) falling off as of leaves; falling off or shed at specific season or stage of growth | |
(不和谐的(声音)) discord; disagreeable sounds; harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds | |
(扩大,扩张) swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure |
(指示,根据名字区别) meaning or indication; distinguishing by name; something, such as a sign or symbol, that denotes | |
(绝望的,不顾一切的,拼死的) having lost all hope; dangerous; extremely intense | |
(悲伤,沮丧) sad; cheerless; gloomy; hopeless or not expecting | |
(肮脏的,衣衫不整) lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby; old-fashioned |
(冲突的,不和谐的) conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
(不和谐的(声音)) discord; disagreeable sounds; harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds | |
(居民,常客) inhabitant or resident; regular visitor | |
(残杀(十个里面杀一个)) destroy or kill a large part of; select by lot and kill one in every ten of |