ESL Vocabulary about COVID-19

ESL Vocabulary about topic 'COVID-19', a small word group with meanings and sentences. The vocabulary has 54 words. The sample words are as follows: virus, disease, coronaviruses, outbreak, transmission, symptom, respiratory, asthma, acute, pneumonia, syndrome, epidemic, .... It helps to enhance speaking and writing skills efficiently in English tests, especially for ESL students who are working for IELTS and TOEFL. Vocabularies to talk about a topic
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 COVID-19 Vocabulary Word List All Topics List  
virus  Speak
an extremely small piece of organic material that causes disease in humans, animals, and plants
A local doctor was the first to raise the alarm about this latest virus.
disease  Speak
an illness which affects people, animals, or plants, for example one which is caused by bacteria or infection
She has caught a lung disease of the lungs.
coronaviruses  Speak
a large family of viruses. They cause a range of illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases — such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)
The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 210 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances.
outbreak  Speak
the sudden or violent start of something unwelcome, such as war, disease, etc.
Infectious disease outbreaks currently being reported on by CDC.
transmission  Speak
the process of passing something from one person or place to another
Therefore, transmission of the COVID-19 virus can occur by direct contact with infected people and indirect contact with surfaces in the immediate environment or with objects used on the infected person.
symptom  Speak
any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease
If the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor.
respiratory  Speak
relating to breathing
The respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs.
asthma  Speak
a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked
Children diagnosed as asthmatic were more likely to have a family history of asthma.
acute  Speak
an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense
In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.
pneumonia  Speak
a form of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs
She nearly died of pneumonia.
syndrome  Speak
a combination of medical problems that shows the existence of a particular disease or mental condition
In around one in three people with the syndrome , the condition gets better without any treatment.
epidemic  Speak
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time
A disease can be declared an epidemic when it spreads over a wide area and many individuals are taken ill at the same time.
pandemic  Speak
a global outbreak of a disease
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two.
epicentre  Speak
in terms of Covid-19, it is being used to describe the area where the virus is most active
Africa could become the next epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.
infect  Speak
to pass a disease to a person, animal, or plant
Over 70 patients infected with coronavirus in Roosevelt Island complex.
infection  Speak
a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus
The growth rate of new infections in Russia is the second highest in the world, behind that of the United States.
disinfect  Speak
to clean something using chemicals that kill bacteria and other very small living things that cause disease
The wound needs to be disinfected.
contagious  Speak
spread of a disease through direct or indirect contact with other people
Keep him out of school until he's not contagious anymore.
contaminate  Speak
to infect
Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
expose  Speak
to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen
He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bone was exposed.
droplet  Speak
a very small drop of a liquid
Coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets – here's the science of infectious aerosols.
respiratory droplet  Speak
small drops when someone exhales
It is more common to contract the coronavirus disease by touching a surface or through respiratory droplets.
ventilator  Speak
a machine that maintains a flow of air into and out of the lungs of a patient who is unable to breathe normally
Life after ventilators can be hell for coronavirus survivors.
asymptomatic  Speak
showing no symptoms of a particular disease
Some cases of the novel coronavirus are asymptomatic, presymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.
target  Speak
select as an object of attention or attack
Coronavirus testing still targeted at health system, identifying transmission in B.C.
zoonotic  Speak
relating to a disease that is transmitted between animal and people
The source of these infections is unknown, but zoonotic transmission from pigs has been suggested.
widespread  Speak
existing or happening in many places and/or among many people
There is widespread, ongoing transmission of novel coronavirus worldwide.
super-spreader  Speak
a person who transmits infections more than other people do
A funeral, a birthday and three deaths: 'Super spreader' events show why social distancing is key.
epidemiologist  Speak
someone who studies diseases and how they are found, spread, and controlled in groups of people
'Closing borders is ridiculous': the epidemiologist behind Sweden's controversial coronavirus strategy.
telehealth  Speak
health care based on consultation by telephone and telemedicine
He recommended a national electronic records system for health, as well as increasing support for telehealth projects.
precaution  Speak
an action taken to avoid a dangerous or undesirable event
If you're caring for someone with coronavirus or who has coronavirus symptoms, keep taking precautions until your doctor or local health department say it's safe to stop doing so.
precautionary measures  Speak
steps taken in order to be safe
Businesses weigh reopening with precautionary measures as states ease restrictions.
severity  Speak
Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries.
vaccine  Speak
a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies in a person to give them immunity from a disease
Coronavirus is spreading around the world, but there are still no vaccines to protect the body against the disease it causes, Covid-19.
immune  Speak
protected against a particular disease by particular substances in the blood
He seems to be immune to colds - he just never gets them.
immune systems  Speak
the body's cells and organs that fight illness and disease
COVID-19 is proving to be a disease of the immune system.
new strains  Speak
a genetic variant or subtype
Novel coronaviruses are new strains of the virus that have not been previously identified in humans.
life-threatening  Speak
able to cause death
It's a life-threatening illness.
self-isolate  Speak
to quarantine oneself if one has or suspects one has a contagious disease
Coronavirus calls for self-isolation.
quarantine  Speak
to keep an animal or person away from other animals or people to prevent them from spreading a disease
The worker was quarantined for fourteen days and directed to wear a mask to protect others.
hand sanitizer  Speak
a liquid, gel, or foam generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can help keep you safe and reduce the spread of germs if soap and water aren't available.
antimicrobial  Speak
able to destroy harmful microbes (= small living things that can cause disease)
Our safety agenda includes health care-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance.
contain  Speak
to keep something harmful within limits and not allow it to spread
Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disease.
social distancing  Speak
the practice of maintaining a certain distance between oneself and other people in order to prevent infection with a disease; physical distancing
Social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak.
community spread  Speak
the widespread transmission of a disease through a population
New Zealand Prime Minister said that the country has "won" the battle against widespread community transmission of the coronavirus, for now.
vulnerable  Speak
able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked
How organizations can support vulnerable populations during COVID-19 outbreaks?
incubation period  Speak
the time between exposure to an illness and when the symptoms start to become apparent
An outlier of a 24 days incubation period had been for the first time observed in a Feb. 9 study.
medical care  Speak
the professional attention of medical practitioners
Many died from the lack of proper medical care.
PPE  Speak
personal protective equipment
Doctors in Germany say they might as well be working naked due to shortages in personal protective equipment.
spread  Speak
the process of moving to cover a larger area or to affect a larger number of people
More should be done to stop the spread of this disease.
face mask  Speak
a device worn over the nose and mouth to prevent you from breathing in harmful substances, such as bacteria or pollution, or from breathing bacteria or viruses onto anyone else
Medical staff are required to wear protective gloves and face masks.
stockpile  Speak
a large amount of goods kept ready for future use
There were no gowns, visors, swabs or body bags in the government's pandemic stockpile when Covid-19 reached the UK.
lockdown  Speak
a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency
A handful of countries, including Spain and Germany, have started relaxing lockdown measures.
curfew  Speak
a specific time when people must stay indoors
Paris installs a curfew on outdoor sports.