computer age
n.the period in modern history characterized by rapid technology development and widespread computer use
Living in a computer age has many benefits.
cutting-edge the latest or most advanced stage of development
All were uncovered or made with the help of cutting-edge science and technology.
desktop PC
n.a personal computer that remains on a desk
Users can download their material to a desktop PC.
v.copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet
Students and educators can download the software free of charge.
a.extremely important or absolutely necessary to a particular subject, situation, or activity
Internet is an essential piece of technology for many people.
n.a small machine or device which does something useful, like smartphone
I've got a clever little gadget for opening jars.
hold the line
v.hang on, hold on, wait a minute
If you'll hold the line a moment I'll hand you over to someone who might be able to help.
operating system
n.the most basic program, which it needs in order to function and run other programs
Our operating system can now interconnect with other networks.
rocket science
n.the study, design, and development of spacecraft
Designing a website may be a lot of work but it's not rocket science.
back up (files) make a copy (of files) in case of a computer problem
Make sure you back up your files.
boot up start a computer
When you boot up, a menu will appear on the screen.
browse websites look at information on the internet
You can browse the website for trend sections and styling ideas.
crash suddenly stop working
The computer crashed for the second time in 10 days.
go online use the Internet
Millions of people go online every day.
navigate move around a website or computer screen
Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to navigate.
navigate a website find what you need on the website
Navigating a website is not very easy, especially if the website is poorly designed.
pull the plug
v.put an end to something
If you pulled the plug during the shutdown, that could have damaged the hard drive and the operating system.
surf the web look through websites, searching for something you need, or simply for entertainment
When you surf the web using Chrome or any other browser, your computer saves some of the data on websites you're visiting as part of your browser history.
v.improve, update, reform
It's quite simple to upgrade the indexing software.
a.something that works perfectly well
The system ran like a well-oiled machine.
silver surfer older person who spends a lot of time using the internet
Silver surfers will be able to access information about a range of activities and events for retired people through a new website.
n.someone who works with and knows a lot about technical things, especially relating to computers
To run a successful IT team, you need to be more than just a techie.
virtual friend
n.refers to a friend whom one meets online; opposite of actual friend
You may have made a virtual friend on an online gaming site, but don't expect that person to meet you for coffee.
a.tending to cause harm
Smoking is detrimental to health.
excessively a way that is too much
The music was excessively loud.
a.unable to be denied or disputed
Her charm is undeniable.
scroll move the computer graphics to a particular direction
Use the wheel to scroll up and down the page - quickly and easily.
browse look at information on the internet
Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards.
a.unconcerned about; uncaring about
He found it very hard teaching a class full of indifferent teenagers.