n.a prediction, as of coming weather
The weather forecast stated that it would rain.
degrees celsius
n.used to measure the temperature
In my hometown, winters are shorter and milder, while daytime summer temperatures normally range from 15 to 25 degrees celsius.
a.warm and pleasant, especially warmer than usual for the time of year
The weather is mild today, it is neither hot nor cold.
a.fairly hot in a way that is comfortable and pleasant
It was warm enough for us to sit outside.
a.cold enough to be unpleasant
The days are still warm but the evenings are getting chilly.
freezing cold
a.extremely and unpleasantly cold
You can't leave without a coat, it's freezing cold out!
gloomy with dark clouds and dull light
It was another gray, gloomy day.
a.without clouds, mist, or fog in the sky, so that you can see for a long way
I adore clear weather when there are no clouds in the sky.
v.rain lightly
It drizzled throughout the night.
humid and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
New York is very hot and humid in the summer.
a.covered with snow
The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.
heavy snow
n.a large amount of snow
After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked.
a.very cold, with a thin layer of white ice covering everything
It was a cold and frosty morning.
n.a heavy fall of snow that is blown by strong winds
Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm.
n.If it hails, small, hard balls of ice fall from the sky like rain.
Hail fell with such violence that it broke windows.
high wind
n.strong wind
The high wind whistled through the streets in winter.
n.a nice gentle wind
The wind blew not just gentle breezes but full-blown bone-chilling winds.
n.fog or haze combined with smoke and other atmospheric pollutants
The city was overhung with the pollutant smog.
light rain
n.gentle rain
When the sun shines through light rain, it makes a rainbow.
n.a heavy rain
It was the heaviest downpour ever recorded.
boiling hot
a.of the weather, having an extremely hot temperature
I hate July in this part of the country, it's boiling hot down here.
n.the heat and light of the sun
A ray of sunshine shone through a gap in the clouds.
a.without rain
The weather is usually dry and sunny at this time of year.
n.a dangerous physical condition because of being too long in hot weather
It's often boiling in my city in the summer and a lot of people suffer from heatstroke.
tropical rainforest
n.thick forest that grows in hot parts of the world
The felling of huge areas of tropical rainforests is causing a change in the balance of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
a.cannot be imagined
It was an intolerable unimaginable heat forecast for the Persian Gulf.
a.bright because of light from the sun
The forecast said it was going to be hot and sunny tomorrow.
a.covered with clouds
A cloudy day with more showers is in prospect today.
a.raining a lot
We had three rainy days on holiday, but otherwise it was sunny.
a.full of or like snow
We've had a very snowy winter this year.
a.with a lot of wind
In my hometown, it's very windy in the winter.
changeable weather
n.the weather that often changes
In my country, the weather is very changeable, periods of hot weather can be followed by heavy rains or even snowstorms.
n.a period of very hot weather
When a heatwave occurs many people become increasingly bad-tempered.
n.wind moving in a circular direction towards an area of low atmospheric pressure
Weather forecasters say the cyclone should move offshore, bringing dry conditions on Sunday.
n.a dangerous storm which is a spinning cone of wind that destroys anything in its path as it moves across the ground
More storms and tornados are expected this weekend.
tropical storm
n.a cyclone or area of low pressure in the tropics with spiraling winds of between 39 and 73 miles per hour
The cyclone remained a minimal tropical storm for most of its lifetime.