Word Root: ary

connected with
From Latin: arius; Greek: ary
Sample words for the root ary: dictionary, necessary, unnecessary, weary, elementary, auxiliary, boundary, missionary, penitentiary, stationary, adversary, canary, primary, sanctuary, sanitary, solitary, temporary, arbitrary, mercenary, extraordinary, legendary, ordinary, capillary, dignitary, dispensary, obituary, quandary, tributary, complementary, exemplary, imaginary, involuntary. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of ary
1 adversary   Speak  
n. opponent in contest; someone who offers opposition
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2 alimentary   Speak  
a. providing nourishment; concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion
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3 ancillary   Speak  
a. serving as aid or accessory; auxiliary
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4 anniversary   Speak  
a. annual; yearly; annual return of the day on which any notable event took place
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5 apiary   Speak  
n. a place where bees and beehives are kept, especially where bees are raised for their honey
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6 arbitrary   Speak  
a. randomly chosen; determined by chance or impulse, and not by reason or principle
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7 auxiliary   Speak  
a. giving help or support, especially to a more important person or thing
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8 aviary   Speak  
n. large cage, building, or enclosure in which birds are reared or kept
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9 beneficiary   Speak  
n. a person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will
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10 boundary   Speak  
n. dividing line that marks the edge or limit of something; border
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11 canary   Speak  
n. pale yellowish color; wine made in the Canary Islands; canary bird; quick and lively dance
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12 capillary   Speak  
n. long and slender with a very small internal diameter
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13 centenary   Speak  
a. relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years
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14 chary   Speak  
a. cautious; sparing or restrained about giving
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15 cometary   Speak  
a. of or relating to or resembling a comet
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16 commentary   Speak  
n. written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
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17 complementary   Speak  
a. serving to fill out or to complete; supplying mutual needs or offsetting mutual lacks
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18 complimentary   Speak  
a. expressing of praise, admiration, or congratulation;  given free to repay a favor or as an act of courtesy
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19 contemporary   Speak  
a. modern; belonging to the same period of time
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20 contrary   Speak  
a. relation of direct opposition; very opposed in nature or character or purpose
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21 corollary   Speak  
n. natural consequence or effect; result
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22 culinary   Speak  
a. of or relating to or used in cooking; relating to a kitchen
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23 customary   Speak  
a. agreeing with or established by common usage; conventional; habitual
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24 dictionary   Speak  
n. a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information
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25 dietary   Speak  
a. a regulated daily food allowance; of or relating to the diet
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26 dignitary   Speak  
n. an important or influential person, and often overbearing
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27 dispensary   Speak  
n. clinic where medicine and medical supplies are dispensed
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28 documentary   Speak  
n. film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event; of or derived from documents
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29 elementary   Speak  
a. easily dealt with; straightforward and fundamental
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30 emissary   Speak  
n. the agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another
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31 epistolary   Speak  
a. consisting of letters; written in the form of or carried on by letters
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32 evolutionary   Speak  
a. of or relating to or produced by evolution  or development
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33 exemplary   Speak  
a. serving as a model; outstanding; typical
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34 extraordinary   Speak  
a. exceptional; remarkable; beyond what is ordinary or usual
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35 fragmentary   Speak  
a. composed of fragments, or broken pieces; disconnected; not complete or entire
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36 glossary   Speak  
n. a brief explanation of words often placed at the back of a book
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37 granary   Speak  
n. building for storing threshed grain; region yielding much grain
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38 hereditary   Speak  
a. descended, or capable of descending, from an ancestor to an heir at law
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39 hoary   Speak  
a. gray or white with or as if with age; covered with grayish hair
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40 imaginary   Speak  
a. having existence only in the imagination; fanciful; visionary
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41 incendiary   Speak  
n. arsonist; bomb that is designed to start fires
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42 infirmary   Speak  
n. health facility where patients receive treatment
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43 involuntary   Speak  
a. acting or done without or against one's will
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44 itinerary   Speak  
n. plan of the trip; a guidebook for travelers
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45 legendary   Speak  
a. mythical; fabled; extremely well known; famous or renowned
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46 literary   Speak  
a. knowledgeable about literature; of or relating to or characteristic of literature
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47 luminary   Speak  
n. celebrity; a person who is an inspiration to others; a person who has achieved eminence in a specific field
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48 mercenary   Speak  
a. interested in making money; profit oriented; hired for service in foreign army
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49 military   Speak  
a. about soldiers, to arms, or war; of the whole body of soldiers
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50 missionary   Speak  
n. a person who has been sent to a foreign country to teach religion
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51 momentary   Speak  
a. done in a moment; continuing only a moment; lasting a very short time
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52 monetary   Speak  
a. of or relating to money; nation's currency; financial
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53 mortuary   Speak  
n. a place, especially a funeral home, where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation
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54 necessary   Speak  
a. required to be done, present; needed; essential.
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55 notary   Speak  
n. one who records what is said or done; one legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity
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56 obituary   Speak  
n. death notice; list of dead
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57 ordinary   Speak  
a. not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree; lacking special distinction, rank, or status
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58 parliamentary   Speak  
a. having the supreme legislative power
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59 pecuniary   Speak  
a. relating to money; requiring payment of money
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60 penitentiary   Speak  
n. state or federal prison for convicted felons
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61 primary   Speak  
a. of first rank or importance or value; essential or basic
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62 pulmonary   Speak  
a. of or about the lungs; having lungs or lung-like organs
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63 quandary   Speak  
n. dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity
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64 reactionary   Speak  
a. opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative
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65 revolutionary   Speak  
a. marked by new or introducing radical change
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66 rotary   Speak  
a. turning, as a wheel on its axis; pertaining to, or resembling, the motion of a wheel on its axis
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67 rudimentary   Speak  
a. relating to basic facts or principles; being in the earliest stages of development; incipient
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68 salutary   Speak  
a. tending to improve; beneficial; favorable to health
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69 sanctuary   Speak  
n. place of refuge or asylum; shrine; holy place, such as a church, temple, or mosque
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70 sanitary   Speak  
a. relating to health or the protection of health
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71 secondary   Speak  
a. not of major importance; of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate
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72 sedentary   Speak  
a. requiring sitting; involving little exercise or physical activity; living in one area, not migratory
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73 sedimentary   Speak  
a. made from sediment left by the action of water, ice, or wind
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74 seminary   Speak  
n. school, especially a theological school for the training of priests; school of higher education, especially for girls
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75 solitary   Speak  
a. isolated; existing, living, or going without others; alone; unaccompanied
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76 stationary   Speak  
a. fixed or immobile; not capable of being moved
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77 subsidiary   Speak  
a. subordinate; secondary; serving to assist or supplement
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78 summary   Speak  
n. brief statement that presents the main points
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79 supplementary   Speak  
a. added to complete or make up a deficiency
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80 temporary   Speak  
a. not permanent; lasting for only a limited period of time
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81 tributary   Speak  
n. branch that flows into the main stream; tending to bring about; being partly responsible for
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82 unnecessary   Speak  
a. not necessary; not needed or wanted, or more than is needed or wanted
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83 veterinary   Speak  
a. of or about the art of healing or treating the diseases of domestic animals
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84 visionary   Speak  
a. produced by imagination; characterized by vision or foresight; imaginary; idealistic
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85 voluntary   Speak  
a. done or undertaken of one's own free will; unforced
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86 votary   Speak  
n. one who is bound by vows to a religion or life of worship or service; devoted adherent of a cause or person or activity
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87 weary   Speak  
a. tired; exhausted; physically or mentally fatigued
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