Word Root: over

over, excessive, above
From Germanic: ufan
Sample words for the root over: overcook, overemphasize, overrule, overwhelm, overpower, overrun, oversee, overshadow, overt, overwrought, overdo, overpass, overpay, overproduction, overrate, overthrow, overweight, overture, overbalance, overhaul, overlap, overtire, overturn, overburden, overcharge, overdue, overestimate, overlapping, overload, oversight, overall, overconfidence, overtax. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of over
1 overall   Speak  
a. general; comprehensive; from one end to the other; including everything
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2 overbalance   Speak  
v. weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance
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3 overbearing   Speak  
a. expecting unquestioning obedience; overwhelming in power or significance
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4 overburden   Speak  
v. overcharge; take excessive burden; load with excessive weight
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5 overcast   Speak  
a. covered or obscured, as with clouds or mist; gloomy; melancholy
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6 overcharge   Speak  
n. overprice; a price that is too high
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7 overcome   Speak  
v. defeat another in competition or conflict; conquer; prevail over
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8 overconfidence   Speak  
n. excessive confidence; total certainty
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9 overcook   Speak  
v. cook food for longer than necessary
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10 overdo   Speak  
v. do something to an excessive degree
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11 overdose   Speak  
n. excessive dose, especially of a narcotic
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12 overdue   Speak  
a. past due; not paid at the scheduled time; late; delayed
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13 overemphasize   Speak  
v. place special or excessive emphasis on
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14 overestimate   Speak  
v. make too high an estimate of
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15 overhaul   Speak  
v. examine or go over carefully for needed repairs; make extensive renovations or revisions on; renovate
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16 overhear   Speak  
v. hear more of anything than was intended to be heard; hear again
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17 overlap   Speak  
n. representation of common ground between two things; extend over and cover a part of
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18 overlapping   Speak  
a. covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another
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19 overload   Speak  
v. place too much a load on
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20 overpass   Speak  
n. bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels
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21 overpay   Speak  
v. pay too much; pay in excess of what is due
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22 overpower   Speak  
v. overcome by superior force; overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
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23 overproduction   Speak  
n. too much production or more than expected
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24 overrate   Speak  
v. make too high an estimate of
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25 override   Speak  
v. ride over or across; ride upon; trample down.
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26 overrule   Speak  
v. decide against a decision that has already been made
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27 overrun   Speak  
v. run or extend beyond normal or desired limit; overflow
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28 overseas   Speak  
ad. beyond or across the sea; abroad
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29 oversee   Speak  
v. supervise; manage; watch over and direct; examine or inspect
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30 overshadow   Speak  
v. throw a shadow, or shade, over; to darken; obscure; cover with a superior influence
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31 oversight   Speak  
n. unintentional omission or mistake; watchful care or management; supervision
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32 overt   Speak  
a. open to view; not secret or hidden
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33 overtake   Speak  
v. come up with in a course, pursuit, progress, or motion; catch up with; come upon from behind; capture; overcome
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34 overtax   Speak  
v. heavily burden; tax above what is considered appropriate or just; tax too heavily
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35 overthrow   Speak  
v. throw over; overturn; upset; turn upside down; cause to fall or to fail
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36 overtime   Speak  
n. beyond the regular time
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37 overtire   Speak  
v. tire excessively; fatigue to exhaustion
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38 overture   Speak  
n. an opening or aperture; recess; introductory section or part, as of a poem
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39 overturn   Speak  
v. reverse; overthrow; upset something
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40 overweight   Speak  
n. the property of excessive fatness
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41 overwhelm   Speak  
v. defeat; cover completely or make imperceptible; overcome by superior force ; charge someone with too many tasks
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42 overwhelming   Speak  
a. overpowering in effect or strength; very great or intense; extreme
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43 overwrought   Speak  
a. extremely disturbed from emotion
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