Word Root: tude

state of be done, the result of action
From Latin: tūdō
Sample words for the root tude: attitude, gratitude, latitude, longitude, pulchritude, rectitude, magnitude, solitude, altitude, platitude, multitude, fortitude, ingratitude, lassitude, servitude, beatitude, certitude, decrepitude, plenitude, quietude, turpitude, verisimilitude, vicissitude. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of tude
1 altitude   Speak  
n. elevation especially above sea level; height
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2 attitude   Speak  
n. a feeling or opinion about something or someone
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3 beatitude   Speak  
n. blessedness; state of extreme happiness
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4 certitude   Speak  
n. state of being certain; complete assurance; confidence
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5 decrepitude   Speak  
n. state of collapse caused by illness or old age
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6 fortitude   Speak  
n. bravery; force; power to attack or to resist attack
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7 gratitude   Speak  
n. state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; thankfulness
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8 ingratitude   Speak  
n. lack of gratitude; forgetfulness of kindness or favors received
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9 lassitude   Speak  
n. state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness
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10 latitude   Speak  
n. freedom from normal restraints; angular distance north or south of the earth's equator
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11 longitude   Speak  
n. an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles
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12 magnitude   Speak  
n. extent; greatness of rank, size, or position
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13 multitude   Speak  
n. a great number; many
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14 platitude   Speak  
n. dullness; insipidity of thought; commonplace statement; lack of originality
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15 plenitude   Speak  
n. abundance; completeness; ample amount or quantity
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16 pulchritude   Speak  
n. great physical beauty and appeal; attractive moral excellence; moral beauty
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17 quietude   Speak  
n. tranquility; state of peace and quiet
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18 rectitude   Speak  
n. uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment
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19 servitude   Speak  
n. forced labor imposed as a punishment for crime; lack of personal freedom
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20 solitude   Speak  
n. state of being alone; seclusion; lonely or secluded place
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21 turpitude   Speak  
n. depravity; corrupt, depraved, or degenerate act
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22 verisimilitude   Speak  
n. appearance of truth; probability; likelihood
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23 vicissitude   Speak  
n. change, especially in one's life or fortunes; regular change or succession of one thing to another; alternation
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