Word Root: hand

by hand, manual
From English: handuz
Sample words for the root hand: handsome, handwriting, handkerchief, handicap, handful, handicraft, hands-on, handy, handbook, handle. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of hand
1 handbook   Speak  
n. concise reference book providing specific information
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2 handful   Speak  
n. a small number; an amount of something that can be held in one hand
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3 handicap   Speak  
n. disadvantage; physical disability; cripple; hinder; impede
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4 handicraft   Speak  
n. a work produced by hand labor
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5 handkerchief   Speak  
n. a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory
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6 handle   Speak  
v. touch; feel with the hand; use or hold with the hand; manage in using; deal with
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7 handsome   Speak  
a. skillful; handy; agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance; attractive
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8 hands-on   Speak  
a. being involved in doing something rather than just talking about it
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9 handwriting   Speak  
n. the activity of writing by hand; something written by hand
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10 handy   Speak  
a. useful or convenient; able to use something skilfully
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