Word Root: extra

outside, beyond
From Latin: extra
Sample words for the root extra: extra, extraordinary, extrapolate, extradition, extract, extraneous, extravagant, extrapolation. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of extra
1 extra   Speak  
a. something additional of the same kind
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2 extract   Speak  
n. a passage from a literary work; an excerpt; something extracted
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3 extradition   Speak  
n. surrender of prisoner by one state to another; delivery by one state to another
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4 extraneous   Speak  
a. not essential;  coming from outside
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5 extraordinary   Speak  
a. exceptional; remarkable; beyond what is ordinary or usual
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6 extrapolate   Speak  
v. estimate the value of; draw from specific cases for more general cases
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7 extrapolation   Speak  
n. inference about future or hypothetical situation based on known facts
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8 extravagant   Speak  
a. wandering beyond one's bounds; exceeding due bounds; wild; excessive; unrestrained
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