Word Root: ile

denoting ability or capacity
From Latin: ilis, bilis
Sample words for the root ile: hostile, mobile, agile, versatile, facile, fertile, fragile, futile, docile, sterile, volatile, immobile, infertile, mercantile, tactile, ductile, tensile, infantile, virile, febrile, prehensile, puerile, servile, vile, imbecile, senile, nubile. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of ile
1 agile   Speak  
a. moving quickly and lightly; mentally quick
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2 docile   Speak  
a. obedient; ready and willing to be taught; easily managed or handled
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3 ductile   Speak  
a. easily influenced; flexible; pliable
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4 facile   Speak  
a. done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; ready or fluent
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5 febrile   Speak  
a. feverish; intense emotion or activity
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6 fertile   Speak  
a. rich; fruitful; inventive; creative; intellectually productive
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7 fragile   Speak  
a. easy to destroy, delicate, not strong
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8 futile   Speak  
a. useless; having no useful result; vain
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9 hostile   Speak  
a. unfriendly and not liking something; showing the disposition of an enemy
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10 imbecile   Speak  
a. without physical strength; feeble; impotent; helpless
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11 immobile   Speak  
a. stationary; incapable of moving or of being moved
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12 infantile   Speak  
a. childish; relating to infants
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13 infertile   Speak  
a. unable to have children
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14 mercantile   Speak  
a. trading; commercial; of or relating to trade or traders
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15 mobile   Speak  
a. movable or not fixed; moving or walking around freely
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16 nubile   Speak  
a. of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable
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17 prehensile   Speak  
a. capable of grasping or holding; having a keen intellect
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18 puerile   Speak  
a. childish; belonging to childhood; immature
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19 senile   Speak  
a. of or pertaining to old age
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20 servile   Speak  
a. slavish; suitable to slave or servant;  relating to servitude or forced labor
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21 sterile   Speak  
a. barren; infertile; incapable of reproducing; free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms
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22 tactile   Speak  
a. used for feeling; relating to a sense of touch; perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible
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23 tensile   Speak  
a. capable of being stretched or extended; ductile
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24 versatile   Speak  
a. having many talents; capable of working in many fields
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25 vile   Speak  
a. worthless; mean; despicable; depraved by sin; hateful
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26 virile   Speak  
a. marked by energy and vigor; manly; able to copulate, as for male
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27 volatile   Speak  
a. tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence
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