Word Root: form

shape, appearance
From Latin: forma
Sample words for the root form: information, informal, informative, perform, uniformity, formation, formulate, reformatory, conformity, platform, formal, format, formula, nonconformist, inform, informed, nonconformity, performer, reformism, conform, deform, deformation, formalized, formative, formidable, reformer, transformation, transform, formality, multiform. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of form
1 conform   Speak  
v. comply with; follow; fit; meet
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2 conformity   Speak  
n. similarity in form or character; agreement
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3 deform   Speak  
v. change shape by stress; become misshapen; make formless
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4 deformation   Speak  
n. alteration in the shape or dimensions; a change for the worse
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5 formal   Speak  
a. official; executed, carried out or done in proper or regular form
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6 formality   Speak  
n. quality or condition of being formal; something done just for form's sake
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7 formalized   Speak  
a. concerned with or characterized by rigorous or adherence to recognized forms
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8 format   Speak  
v. pattern; design; set into a specific pattern
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9 formation   Speak  
n. a structure or arrangement of something; pattern
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10 formative   Speak  
a. developing; forming; capable of forming or molding
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11 formidable   Speak  
a. arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat
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12 formula   Speak  
n. plan; directions for making something; a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
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13 formulate   Speak  
v. decide upon and express in words
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14 inform   Speak  
v. impart information to; make aware of something; be a pervasive presence in; animate
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15 informal   Speak  
a. not formal or official; absence of ceremony
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16 information   Speak  
n. knowledge gained through study, communication, etc
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17 informative   Speak  
a. instructive and illustrative; providing or conveying information
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18 informed   Speak  
a. having much knowledge or education
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19 multiform   Speak  
a. occurring in or having many forms or shapes
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20 nonconformist   Speak  
n. one who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct; not conforming to some norm; unconventional
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21 nonconformity   Speak  
n. failure to conform; lack of harmony or correspondence
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22 perform   Speak  
v. carry through; bring to completion; achieve or accomplish
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23 performer   Speak  
n. entertainer; who performs or takes part in a play or performance of any kind
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24 platform   Speak  
n. stage; a raised horizontal surface
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25 reformatory   Speak  
a. serving or designed to reform
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26 reformer   Speak  
n. a disputant who advocates reform
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27 reformism   Speak  
n. doctrine or movement of reform
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28 transform   Speak  
v. change in outward structure or looks; convert
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29 transformation   Speak  
n. change in appearance, nature, disposition, condition, or the like
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30 uniformity   Speak  
n. sameness or consistency; not changing or being different in any way
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