Word Root: fact

make, something that is made or done
From Latin: factum
Sample words for the root fact: factory, manufacture, benefactor, satisfactorily, factual, olfactory, petrifaction, unsatisfactory, satisfaction, faction, satisfactory, artifact, malefactor. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of fact
1 artifact   Speak  
n. the object made by human beings; inaccurate observation, effect, or result
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2 benefactor   Speak  
n. gift giver; person who gives people or institutions with financial help
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3 faction   Speak  
n. a party of persons having a common end in view
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4 factory   Speak  
n. building in which goods are manufactured
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5 factual   Speak  
a. real; actual; based on the fact
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6 malefactor   Speak  
n. criminal; one who does evil or injury to another
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7 manufacture   Speak  
v. make products by hand or machinery; make from raw materials
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8 olfactory   Speak  
a. relating to, or contributing to a sense of smell
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9 petrifaction   Speak  
n. process of turning some plant material into stone
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10 satisfaction   Speak  
n. fulfillment or gratification of a desire, need, or appetite; source or means of gratification
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11 satisfactorily   Speak  
ad. in a way that fulfills expectations or needs; acceptably
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12 satisfactory   Speak  
a. acceptable; good or good enough for a particular need or purpose
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13 unsatisfactory   Speak  
a. not giving satisfaction;  inadequate
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