Word Root: able

capable of, easily handled
From Latin: habilis
Sample words for the root able: syllable, vegetable, valuable, cable, stable, agreeable, biodegradable, reasonable, unable, washable, conceivable, irreplaceable, preferable, consumable, disagreeable, reusable, unbreakable, capable, dependable, flammable, hospitable, imperturbable, indomitable, invaluable, portable, reliable, suitable, affable, constable, despicable, durable, impassable. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of able
1 abominable   Speak  
a. detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad
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2 accountable   Speak  
a. liable to being called to account; answerable; responsible; something that can be explained
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3 adaptable   Speak  
a. flexible; becoming or being made suitable to a particular situation or use
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4 adorable   Speak  
a. deserving to be adored; worthy of divine honors
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5 advisable   Speak  
a. proper to be advised or to be done; expedient; prudent; ready to receive advice
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6 affable   Speak  
a. easily approachable; warmly friendly
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7 affordable   Speak  
a. able to pay for
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8 agreeable   Speak  
a. ready to consent or submit; acceptable
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9 alienable   Speak  
a. transferable to another owner; able to be transferred to new ownership
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10 amenable   Speak  
a. responsive to advice or suggestion; responsible to higher authority; willing to comply with; agreeable
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11 amiable   Speak  
a. good-natured and likable; lovable; warmly friendly
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12 amicable   Speak  
a. exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; not quarrelsome
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13 applicable   Speak  
a. capable of being applied; fit or suitable to be applied; having relevance
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14 appreciable   Speak  
a. large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible
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15 arable   Speak  
a. fit for growing crops, as by plowing
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16 available   Speak  
a. convenient for use or disposal; not busy, free; obtainable; accessible
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17 biodegradable   Speak  
a. capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms
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18 cable   Speak  
n. very strong thick rope made of twisted steel or metal wire
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19 capable   Speak  
a. having the ability required for a specific task
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20 charitable   Speak  
a. benevolent; kind and not judging people in a negative way
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21 commendable   Speak  
a. worthy of being commended or praised; laudable; praiseworthy
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22 communicable   Speak  
a. capable of being transmitted by infection, especially for disease; readily communicated
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23 comparable   Speak  
a. similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy of being ranked with
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24 conceivable   Speak  
a. capable of being conceived, imagined, or understood
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25 considerable   Speak  
a. worthy of consideration; large in amount, extent, or degree
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26 constable   Speak  
n. a police officer of the lowest rank; a lawman with less authority and jurisdiction than a sheriff
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27 consumable   Speak  
a. intended to be used up and then replaced; possible to eat, drink, or use up completely
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28 culpable   Speak  
a. deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious
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29 debatable   Speak  
a. disputable; unsettled; open to doubt or debate
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30 delectable   Speak  
a. delightful; delicious; extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
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31 dependable   Speak  
a. reliable; worthy of being depended on; trustworthy
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32 deplorable   Speak  
a. of very poor quality or condition; bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
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33 desirable   Speak  
a. worthwhile; worth doing or achieving; advisable
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34 despicable   Speak  
a. fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless
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35 detectable   Speak  
a. that can be noticed or discovered; measurable
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36 detestable   Speak  
a. offensive to the mind; unequivocally detestable
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37 disable   Speak  
v. deprive of capability or effectiveness; unable; impair; diminish
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38 disagreeable   Speak  
a. unpleasant or unattractive; not agreeing with tastes or expectations
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39 disreputable   Speak  
a. lacking respectability in character or behavior or appearance
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40 durable   Speak  
a. lasting; able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard wearing; enduring
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41 equable   Speak  
a. tranquil; not varying; uniform; not easily disturbed
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42 equitable   Speak  
a. marked by or having equity; just and impartial
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43 estimable   Speak  
a. capable of being estimated or valued
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44 exceptionable   Speak  
a. open or liable to objection or debate; liable to cause disapproval
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45 excitable   Speak  
a. capable of responding to stimuli; easily excited
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46 execrable   Speak  
a. very bad; extremely inferiorl; intolerable; very hateful
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47 expendable   Speak  
a. not essential or mandatory to achieve a goal; not reusable; suitable to be expended
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48 fashionable   Speak  
a. conforming to the current style; being or in accordance with current fashion
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49 favorable   Speak  
a. approving or pleasing; granting what has been desired or requested
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50 flammable   Speak  
a. easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; inflammable
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51 formidable   Speak  
a. arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat
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52 hospitable   Speak  
a. disposed to treat guests with warmth and generosity; receptive
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53 identifiable   Speak  
a. traceable; possible to identify
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54 illimitable   Speak  
a. without limits in extent, size, or quantity
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55 immutable   Speak  
a. unable to be changed without exception; not mutable
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56 impalpable   Speak  
a. difficult to perceive senses or mind
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57 impassable   Speak  
a. not able to be traveled or crossed
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58 impeccable   Speak  
a. faultless; incapable of sin or wrongdoing
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59 impenetrable   Speak  
a. not able to be entered; beyond understanding
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60 impermeable   Speak  
a. not allowing passage, especially of liquids; waterproof
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61 imperturbable   Speak  
a. unshakably calm; placid; incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted
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62 implacable   Speak  
a. incapable of being pacified; not to be relieved;
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63 impregnable   Speak  
a. invulnerable; able to withstand attack
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64 impressionable   Speak  
a. readily or easily influenced; suggestible; capable of receiving impressions; emotional
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65 improbable   Speak  
a. unlikely; impossible; not likely to be true
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66 inalienable   Speak  
a. not to be taken away; nontransferable
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67 incalculable   Speak  
a. not capable of being computed or enumerated
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68 inconceivable   Speak  
a. impossible to comprehend or grasp fully; unable to be conceived, unbelievable
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69 incurable   Speak  
a. not capable of being cured; beyond the power of skill or medicine to remedy
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70 indefatigable   Speak  
a. tireless; showing sustained enthusiastic action
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71 indescribable   Speak  
a. incapable of being described
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72 indispensable   Speak  
a. essential; requisite; impossible to be omitted or remitted
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73 indisputable   Speak  
a. not open to question; obviously true; beyond dispute or doubt
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74 indomitable   Speak  
a. unconquerable; incapable of being overcome
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75 indubitable   Speak  
a. unable to be doubted; unquestionable
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76 ineffable   Speak  
a. unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech
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77 inevitable   Speak  
a. unavoidable; incapable of being avoided or prevented
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78 inexorable   Speak  
a. not capable of being swayed; unyielding; implacable
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79 inexplicable   Speak  
a. not explicable; not explainable; incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for
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80 inimitable   Speak  
a. matchless; not able to be imitated
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81 innumerable   Speak  
a. too many to be counted; numerous
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82 insatiable   Speak  
a. not easily satisfied; impossible to satiate or satisfy; greedy
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83 inscrutable   Speak  
a. impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious
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84 insufferable   Speak  
a. incapable of being suffered, borne, or endured; insupportable; unendurable; intolerable
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85 insuperable   Speak  
a. incapable of being excelled; unbeatable
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86 insurmountable   Speak  
a. overwhelming; incapable of being passed over or overcome
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87 interminable   Speak  
a. being or seeming to be without an end; endless; tedious; continual
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88 intolerable   Speak  
a. incapable of being put up with; unable to be endured
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89 intractable   Speak  
a. difficult to manage or govern; stubborn; unyielding
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90 invaluable   Speak  
a. valuable under estimation; inestimable; priceless
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91 inviolable   Speak  
a. secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable
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92 invulnerable   Speak  
a. incapable of injury; impossible to damage, injure, or wound
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93 irreconcilable   Speak  
a. incompatible; not able to be resolved
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94 irrefutable   Speak  
a. unable to be disproved; incontrovertible; undeniable
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95 irremediable   Speak  
a. incurable; uncorrectable; impossible to remedy or correct
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96 irreparable   Speak  
a. not able to be corrected or repaired
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97 irreplaceable   Speak  
a. impossible to replace because too special, unusual, or valuable
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98 irreproachable   Speak  
a. perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless; impeccable
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99 irretrievable   Speak  
a. impossible to recover or regain; irreparable
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100 irrevocable   Speak  
a. unalterable; irreversible; impossible to retract or revoke
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101 irritable   Speak  
a. easily annoyed; abnormally sensitive to a stimulus
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102 justifiable   Speak  
a. capable of being justified, or shown to be just
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103 lamentable   Speak  
a. mourning; sorrowful; expressing grief
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104 laudable   Speak  
a. deserving of praise; worthy of high praise
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105 liable   Speak  
v. bound or obliged in law or equity
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106 malleable   Speak  
a. capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable
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107 memorable   Speak  
a. unforgettable; worthy of being remembered; very important or remarkable
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108 miserable   Speak  
a. very unhappy; full of misery; wretched
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109 navigable   Speak  
a. wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered
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110 negotiable   Speak  
a. capable of being negotiated; transferable by assignment or endorsement to another person
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111 notable   Speak  
a. worthy of note or notice; remarkable; important
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112 obtainable   Speak  
a. available; capable of being obtained
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113 palatable   Speak  
a. acceptable; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten
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114 palpable   Speak  
a. tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable
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115 parable   Speak  
n. a short, simple story teaching moral or religious lesson
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116 peaceable   Speak  
a. disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature; not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war
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117 perishable   Speak  
a. liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay
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118 permeable   Speak  
a. penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass-through
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119 personable   Speak  
a. pleasing in personality or appearance; attractive
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120 pliable   Speak  
a. flexible; yielding; easily bent or shaped
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121 portable   Speak  
a. mobile; easily or conveniently transported
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122 potable   Speak  
a. suitable for drinking; drinkable
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123 practicable   Speak  
a. feasible; capable of being affected, done, or put into practice
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124 predictable   Speak  
a. expectable; likely; capable of being predicted or foretold
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125 preferable   Speak  
a. more desirable or worthy than another; better or more suitable
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126 presumable   Speak  
a. supposed to be accurate; reasonable as a supposition
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127 questionable   Speak  
a. subject to question; admitting of being questioned; inviting, or seeming to ask, inquiry
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128 reasonable   Speak  
a. showing sound judgment; capable of reasoning; being within bounds of common sense
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129 redoubtable   Speak  
a. formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor
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130 reliable   Speak  
a. worthy of being depended on; trustworthy
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131 remarkable   Speak  
a. worthy of notice; extraordinary
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132 remediable   Speak  
a. capable of being remedied or cured; set straight or right
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133 renewable   Speak  
a. capable of being renewed or extended
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134 rentable   Speak  
a. able or fit be rented
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135 reparable   Speak  
a. capable of being repaired; admitting of repair
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136 reputable   Speak  
a. having a good reputation; honorable
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137 reusable   Speak  
a. capable of being used again
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138 revocable   Speak  
a. capable of being revoked; as a revocable edict or grant; a revocable covenant
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139 sociable   Speak  
a. gregarious; friendly; inclined to or conducive to companionship with others
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140 stable   Speak  
a. not easily moved or disturbed
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141 suitable   Speak  
a. appropriate to a purpose or an occasion
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142 syllable   Speak  
n. a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound
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143 table   Speak  
v. set resolution or proposal for future consideration; hold back to a later time
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144 tenable   Speak  
a. capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against an assailant or objector
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145 tolerable   Speak  
a. capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either physically or mentally.
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146 tractable   Speak  
a. easily managed or controlled; governable; easily handled or worked; docile
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147 unable   Speak  
a. not be able to do something
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148 unaccountable   Speak  
a. not able to be explained or understood; unreasonable or mysterious
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149 unassailable   Speak  
a. impossible to assail; without flaws or loopholes
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150 unbearable   Speak  
a. unendurable; so unpleasant, distasteful, or painful as to be intolerable
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151 unbreakable   Speak  
a. impossible to break especially under ordinary usage
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152 unbridgeable   Speak  
a. impassable; unable to be bridged or crossed; impossible to span
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153 unconscionable   Speak  
a. lacking conscience; greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
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154 undecipherable   Speak  
a. not easily deciphered; not able to be read or understood
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155 unfathomable   Speak  
a. difficult or impossible to understand; difficult or impossible to measure
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156 unfavorable   Speak  
a. not encouraging or approving or pleasing; having or showing opposition
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157 unforgettable   Speak  
a. impossible to forget; very memorable
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158 unimaginable   Speak  
a. unable to be imagined; inconceivable; incredible
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159 unimpeachable   Speak  
a. free of guilt; not subject to blame; completely acceptable
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160 unpalatable   Speak  
a. distasteful; disagreeable; unpleasant to taste
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161 unpredictable   Speak  
a. random; difficult to foretell or foresee
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162 unpronounceable   Speak  
a. impossible or difficult to pronounce correctly; very difficult to pronounce correctly
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163 unstable   Speak  
a. inconstant; variable; lacking control of one's emotions; constantly changing
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164 untenable   Speak  
a. indefensible; not able to be maintained
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165 valuable   Speak  
a. worth a great deal of money, especially for use or exchange
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166 variable   Speak  
n. factor; something that is likely to vary; changeable; inconstant
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167 vegetable   Speak  
n. any of numerous herbaceous plants to eat in meal
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168 venerable   Speak  
a. deserving high respect; impressive because of age; profoundly honored
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169 veritable   Speak  
a. being without question; not counterfeit or copied; agreeable to truth or fact
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170 viable   Speak  
a. practical or workable; capable of maintaining life; capable of continuing effectiveness
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171 vulnerable   Speak  
a. susceptible to wounds; capable of being wounded or hurt
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172 washable   Speak  
a. capable of being washed without injury
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