Word Root: pre

earlier, before, in front of
From Latin: prae
Sample words for the root pre: pretend, precook, prejudice, premature, prepaid, prepare, preschool, prearrange, precaution, precious, precocious, preferable, premonition, preposterous, predecessor, prediction, preserve, precursor, predicament, prerogative, pressure, previous, prey, precarious, precedent, precipice, precipitous, preface, premiere, preponderance, prerequisite, prescribe. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of pre
1 preamble   Speak  
n. introductory statement; introductory paragraph or division of discourse or writing
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2 prearrange   Speak  
v. arrange beforehand
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3 precarious   Speak  
a. uncertain; risky; dangerously lacking in security or stability
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4 precaution   Speak  
n. an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening
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5 precede   Speak  
v. come before in order or position; go in front or ahead of
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6 precedence   Speak  
n. fact, state, or right of preceding; priority; previous occurrence, or existence before; preceding act or speech
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7 precedent   Speak  
n. act or instance that may be used as example in subsequent similar cases
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8 preceding   Speak  
a. ahead; before; existing or happening before someone or something
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9 precept   Speak  
n. rule or principle prescribing particular action or conduct; authorized direction or order
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10 precinct   Speak  
n. district or division of city; place or enclosure by definite limits
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11 precious   Speak  
a. of high worth or cost
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12 precipice   Speak  
n. cliff; overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock; dangerous position
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13 precipitate   Speak  
a. rash; moving rapidly and heedlessly; speeding headlong; occurring suddenly
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14 precipitous   Speak  
a. extremely steep; descending rapidly, or rushing onward
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15 precis   Speak  
n. concise summing up of main points
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16 precise   Speak  
a. exact; clearly expressed; accurate or correct
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17 precisely   Speak  
ad. in a precise manner; just as it should be; indicating exactness or preciseness
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18 precision   Speak  
n. exactness; accuracy; the number of significant digits to which a value has been reliably measured
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19 preclude   Speak  
v. make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent; eliminate
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20 precocious   Speak  
a. showing mental development or achievement much earlier than usual; appearing or developing early
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21 precook   Speak  
v. cook food beforehand to shortened the cooking or heating time when eating it
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22 precursor   Speak  
n. forerunner; one who precedes an event and indicates its approach
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23 predatory   Speak  
a. living by preying on other animals
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24 predecessor   Speak  
n. former occupant of post; ancestor or forefather
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25 predetermine   Speak  
v. determine, decide, or establish in advance; influence markedly
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26 predicament   Speak  
n. tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma; troublesome
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27 predict   Speak  
v. state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially based on special knowledge
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28 predictability   Speak  
n. likelihood; quality of being predictable
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29 predictable   Speak  
a. expectable; likely; capable of being predicted or foretold
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30 prediction   Speak  
n. something foretold or predicted; prophecy
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31 predilection   Speak  
n. condition of favoring or liking; tendency towards; preference
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32 predispose   Speak  
v. give inclination toward; make susceptible to; settle or dispose of in advance
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33 predisposition   Speak  
n. state of being predisposed; tendency or inclination
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34 predominant   Speak  
a. most frequent or common; having superior power and influence
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35 predominantly   Speak  
ad. mainly; much greater in number or influence
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36 predominate   Speak  
v. be larger in number, quantity, power, status, or importance
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37 preeminent   Speak  
a. outstanding; superior to or notable above all others
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38 preempt   Speak  
v. appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others; gain possession of by prior right or opportunity
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39 preface   Speak  
n. a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
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40 preferable   Speak  
a. more desirable or worthy than another; better or more suitable
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41 preference   Speak  
n. a strong liking; favorite
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42 pregnancy   Speak  
n. condition of being pregnant; fruitfulness; fertility
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43 pregnant   Speak  
a. expecting a baby; carrying within the body or being about to produce new life
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44 prehensile   Speak  
a. capable of grasping or holding; having a keen intellect
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45 prejudice   Speak  
n. an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling; leaning toward one side of a question
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46 prelude   Speak  
n. introduction; forerunner; preliminary or preface
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47 premature   Speak  
a. too soon; too early; occurring before a state of readiness
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48 premeditate   Speak  
v. plan, arrange or plot in advance; deliberate upon future action
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49 premiere   Speak  
a. first public performance, as of a movie or play; premier
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50 premise   Speak  
n. a proposition upon which an argument is based; assumption; land and the buildings on it
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51 premium   Speak  
n. prize or award offered free or at a reduced price after buying something else; payment for insurance
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52 premonition   Speak  
n. a feeling that something, especially something unpleasant, is going to happen
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53 preoccupied   Speak  
a. absorbed in thought; engrossed; excessively concerned with something; formerly occupied
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54 preoccupy   Speak  
v. occupy or take possession of beforehand or before another or appropriate for use in advance
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55 prepaid   Speak  
a. paid for earlier; paid already
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56 prepare   Speak  
v. expect that something will happen and to be ready for it
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57 preponderance   Speak  
n. superiority in numbers or amount
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58 preposterous   Speak  
a. contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; very silly or stupid; ridiculous
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59 prerequisite   Speak  
n. something that is required in advance; necessity; required as a prior condition
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60 prerogative   Speak  
n. privilege; unquestionable right; exclusive power to command
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61 presage   Speak  
v. foretell or predict; indicate or warn of in advance
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62 preschool   Speak  
n. an educational institution for children too young for elementary school
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63 prescience   Speak  
n. ability to foretell the future; knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foresight
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64 prescribe   Speak  
v. dictate; guide; advise the use of; assert a right; claim
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65 prescribed   Speak  
a. set down as a rule or guide; stated
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66 prescription   Speak  
n. written instructions from a doctor; written order; an act of establishing official rules, laws, or directions
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67 presence   Speak  
n. state of being present; current existence
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68 presentation   Speak  
n. show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view
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69 presentiment   Speak  
n. the sense that something is about to occur; anticipatory fear; premonition
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70 preservation   Speak  
n. conservation; the act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged
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71 preservative   Speak  
n. something used to preserve, especially a chemical added to foods to inhibit spoilage
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72 preserve   Speak  
v. uphold or retain; maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm
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73 preside   Speak  
v. be set, or to sit, in the place of authority; occupy the place of president, chairman, moderator, director; direct, control, and regulate, as chief officer
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74 presidency   Speak  
n. office and function of the president; tenure of a president
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75 pressure   Speak  
n. stress; tension; condition of being pressed
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76 prestige   Speak  
n. impression produced by achievements or reputation; recognized distinction or importance
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77 prestigious   Speak  
a. honored; respected; reputed; exerting influence by reason of high status
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78 presumable   Speak  
a. supposed to be accurate; reasonable as a supposition
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79 presumably   Speak  
ad. assumedly; supposedly; used to say what you think is the likely situation
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80 presume   Speak  
v. take for granted as true in the absence of proof; venture without authority
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81 presumption   Speak  
n. the act of believing that something is true without having any proof; belief upon incomplete proof
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82 presumptuous   Speak  
a. overconfident; going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward
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83 pretend   Speak  
v. act so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not
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84 pretense   Speak  
n. act of giving a false appearance; imaginative intellectual play
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85 pretension   Speak  
n. advancing of a claim; assertion; a false or unsupportable quality
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86 pretentious   Speak  
a. intended to attract notice and impress others; making unjustified claims; overly ambitious
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87 preternatural   Speak  
a. being beyond the normal course of nature; differing from natural
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88 pretext   Speak  
n. excuse; something serving to conceal plans; the fictitious reason
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89 prevail   Speak  
v. induce; be greater in strength or influence; triumph; win out
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90 prevailing   Speak  
a. most frequent; widespread; predominant
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91 prevalent   Speak  
a. widespread; widely or commonly occurring, existing, accepted
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92 prevaricate   Speak  
v. lie; stray from or evade the truth; behave in an evasive way such as to delay action
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93 previous   Speak  
a. existing or occurring before something else
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94 prey   Speak  
n. target of a hunt; animal hunted or caught for food
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